The 2024 FALL SEASON kicks off Sunday, September 8th. Remember, we’re now a “Teams Only” league, like the Men’s league. Each Head Coach is a Franchise Owner and collects your own players fees, then mails in a single check(“LIYFFL”) to the league office along with your TEAM REGISTRATION FORM(attached).
We have fields in the towns of Oyster Bay, North Hempstead, Huntington, and Babylon.
Free agents are no longer added to established teams unless requested. The Fall 2024 team fee is $1999 and covers up to 11 players. You can have less players, that’s up to you, there is no longer a minimum roster. You can have 8, 9, 10…whatever. However, the team fee will still be $1999. For each player over the 11 player count there’s an add’l $199 fee. So if you have 13 players its $1999 & $398. You’ll supply their names/emails/birthdates on the attached TEAM REGISTRATION FORM you’ll be submitting with your team payment. Since we’re on a “Team Fee” format now there is no longer the “3rd Child Free” discount.
Your correct division for Fall is based on your players ages as of 12/31/24:
6U- 2018/2019 8U- 2016/2017 10U- 2014/2015 12U- 2012/2013 14U- 2010/2011
17U- 2007/2008/2009
The online PLAYER REG FORM is for Free Agents only. Your returning players should not fill one out unless you are NOT coaching this Fall. If you’re not Coaching this Fall please inform your players so they can still become a Free Agent. The Free Agents fill out the Registration Form but they don’t pay until a Coach claims them. All Coaches will have access to a master list of Free Agent names/locations/age/positions etc. If you need players to fill out your roster you’ll have access to the Free Agents of your choice. If you wind up with half a team for Fall due to losing kids to other Fall sports we can always put you together with another 1/2 team that had the same problem.
To register your team for the FALL 2024 season just fill out the attached TEAM REGISTRATION FORM and return it with a check before August 31st to: LIYFFL, PO Box 518, Bethpage NY 11714.
July 1st– To reserve your choice of NFL team jerseys email us your team choice, estimated roster count, and Fall 2024 Division(based on 12/31/24) on or before July 1st at liffl3@aol.com
August 1st– To receive your equipment bag(requested NFL team jerseys/balls/flags) prior to kick off mail your Registration Form and check on or before August 1st to: L IYFFL, PO Box 518, Bethpage NY 11714.
August 31st– ALL remaining Team Registration Forms & Payments must be received on or before August 31st at: LIYFFL, PO Box 518, Bethpage NY 11714. The league will pick your NFL team jerseys. YOU CAN STILL REGISTER AFTER 8/31 AND START 9/15!
Hope to see you on September 8th!
George Higgins