Basic Rules Created and Played
by the Long Island Flag Football League





  • 30X60 with two 10-yard end zones.
  • Fixed 1st downs at 15/30/15 yard lines.
  • Quads- sometimes turf fields will be divided into 4 fields. Both teams start at the far 15 yard line and go in the same direction. Fixed 1st downs at the 30/15 yard lines. If the offense fails to score the ball gets walked back to the far 15 yard line and the Defense takes over going in same direction. Interceptions are not returned, Defense is awarded 3 pts


  • Jerseys must be tucked in
  • Rubber cleats/mouth guards suggested.
  • Belt, as well as flags, must not be covered by the jersey. Only LIFFL flags allowed.
  • No hard casts or braces with metal screws of any kind.
  • Only the balls provided to us by the NFL may be used. No personal footballs.


  • 6 & Under/8 & Under: 8-on-8.
  • 10 & Under/12 & Under/14 & Under: 7-on-7.
  • 17 & Under: 6-on-6.
  • If one team has less than the required number you can play, but the team with the full complement of players gets to decide to play with a full team or match the other team (e.g. it can be 7 on 5).


  • (2) 24 minute halves.
  • Running-time.
  • One 2-minute warning at the 22 minute point of the 2nd half.
  • During the 2 minute warning the clock becomes NFL rules, it stops for change of possession, incomplete passes, out of bounds, penalties, and 1st Downs (until ball is set and whistle blown).



  • Go to, Players Zone – Weather Alert, Sundays at 7:00 am.
  • We try but cannot guarantee making up rain-outs due to permit constrictions


  • Go to
  • Ties decided by Defensive Points allowed.


  • The goal is always 6 regular season games with all teams making the playoffs. However, rain-outs and permit restrictions are above our control and may result in a shorter season. There are no “bye” weeks built into the schedule. If you request a week-off the make-up options are: a Saturday game, a night game, or a holiday game that’s normally an off week. If your opponent cannot play on the makeup date available they have the option of taking a 18-0 forfeit win, or Both teams can agree that it’s a non-game.
  • The NFL dictates that the divisions are 6u/8u/10u/12u/14u/17u. Some teams are all of one age, some teams are mixed. 12/31/24 is the benchmark that decides your division. We do have a “Notch Baby” exemption teams can apply for if a child is born late in the year (Oct/Nov/Dec). To compensate for having 2 age ranges in a division everyone makes the playoffs and we create 2 or 3 new separate postseason divisions(A/B/C) for each Division based on winning/losing records, including separate Super Bowls. Example: Teams only play teams with similar records throughout the post-season and in the Super Bowl. Winner & Losers of Super Bowls both get trophies.


  • Winning team chooses the ball, direction, or to defer.
  • Losing team has the same options at the beginning of the 2nd half. Its possible you wind up going the same direction both halves so choose carefully.


  • Only 1 coach is allowed in the huddle (except for 6u.)
  • Team w/ball starts at their own 15 and has 3 downs to get 1st down or ball gets walked down to defensive team’s 15 and they take over. The offense may only run the ball one(1) play per set, except in the 6u Divisions(2 runs per set.) The offense must Pass Only in the Red Zone(last 15 yards) except in the 6u Division. All extra points are Pass Only. The defense has one (1) rusher who lines up 5 yards off line of scrimmage and waits for the ref to count “3 Mississippi” before rushing, unless it’s a run play, then all can rush. The Offense has 6 seconds for the ball to cross the line of scrimmage or the play is blown dead with the ball marked where the QB stands, like a sack.
  • On interceptions, Defense can advance the ball and take over at spot, unless game is on Quad field. If on Quad field Interceptions result in 3pts and ball at the far 15 yard line.
  • Offense must have 4 players on the line of scrimmage at time of snap. Defense must have 1 “Rusher” 5 yards off the ball on the disc/hash. Remaining defenders have no position restrictions at time of snap.



  • No offensive blocking at any time (l0 yards from spot/loss of down).
  • No picks (l0 yards from spot/loss of down).
  • Everyone is eligible to catch passes.


  • No defensive bump of receivers.
  • No contact to break up a pass.
  • No contact prior to pulling the flag.
  • No holding the ball carrier prior to pulling the flag.

ALL of these will result in an automatic 1st Down and a “Contact Penalty.”

  • Two (2) Contact penalties in a game will result in an ejection for the game.
  • Two (2) ejections will result in a suspension.
  • Intent to injure penalty results in ejection & suspension


  • Coaches are responsible for their sidelines, both fans and players.
  • Coaches/Players/Parents are not allowed to yell/curse at referees, each other, or players. Cursing will result in ejection & suspension. Threatening or suggesting violence will result in a lifetime ban from the field for any Coach/Player/Parent. Any act of physical violence(pushing/punching/spitting on/wrestling) will result in a lifetime ban for ALL those involved.
  • Yelling at a referee (1st offense) will result in a 15 yard penalty, 2nd offense will result in game expulsion plus 1 week’s suspension.
  • Players are not allowed to bully, taunt, or personally insult other players.
    • 1st offense will result in a 15 yard penalty.
    • 2nd offense will result in game expulsion plus 1 week’s suspension.
  • More than one parent committing offenses will result in that team not being allowed to have parents present at the following week’s game.
  • ALL garbage must be picked up after each game.
  • “Pull The Plug Option”- Any referee who feels one or both Coaches has lost the ability to control either themselves or their sideline has the authority to declare the game over. The league office will decide if it’s a forfeit or double forfeit later Sunday night.


  • The referee sets the ball, blows his whistle, and the offense has 30 seconds to snap the ball or it’s a delay of game (5 yards/down over).
    • In the 6 under Div there will be a 40 second clock.
  • Offense Has 6 Seconds for the ball (pass or run) to cross the line of scrimmage.
    • If the ball is blown dead at 6 seconds, it’s marked at the spot, like a sack.
  • Offense can only run the ball one play per set except 6u Divs, they get 2 runs per set.
  • Laterals & backwards passes behind the line scrimmage are considered run plays.
    • A lateral over the line of scrimmage is not considered a run play. Any forward or shovel pass has to be over the line of scrimmage.

Real simple – if the ball isn’t thrown over line of scrimmage by the QB, it’s a “run” play.

  • Once the offense is in the Red Zone (last 15 yards), it’s pass only, except the 6u Divs, they still get 2 run plays in the Red Zone. Extra Points are Pass Only for all.
  • You cannot lateral or hand off any time in the Red Zone, including after reception.
  • Ball carriers cannot shield flag belt or stiff-arm (dead at spot/minus 10 yards/loss of down).
  • Ball must be snapped between legs.
  • Receiver must have 2 feet inbounds.
  • Receivers must line up one arm length apart or a “Pick” will be called.
  • Ball carrier cannot run over the defender (Charging – dead at spot, loss of down, 10 yard penalty).
  • If the ball carrier falls to the ground, he can get up unless he’s tagged with one hand while on the ground.
  • The Offense can have 1 Player in motion, parallel to the line of scrimmage, prior to the snap.
  • If the ball carrier loses his flag belt, it becomes one hand touch.
  • The spot of the ball in flag football is the body, not the ball.
  • There is no diving to advance the ball and that is defined as leaving your feet and not landing on your feet (10 yards from spot/loss of down).
  • “Hurry-Up” offense is allowed only in the 17U & 14U divisions.
    • Otherwise the offense must wait for the ref to say “Call Your Play”.
  • On-field Coach must be out of the way at snap.
  • 17U ONLY! When still on their half of the field, after 3 downs, the offense can declare “4TH DOWN TRY”(Pass Only). The Defense can rush automatically(no count) at the snap. If the Offense fails to get a 1st down the Defense takes over at the spot instead of back at their own 15. When the Offense is on the Defensive side of the 30 yard line the same rules apply except the Defense takes over at the Midfield if the “4TH DOWN TRY” fails.                                    


  • The QB is allowed to move 5 yards laterally, left or right. This is called the “pocket”.
  • Only the Rusher may pursue QB until run play is in effect or 6 count is done .
  • If the QB is flagged inside the pocket, it’s a sack, not a run play.
  • Once outside this pocket any defender may rush them and if they’re flagged, it counts as the Run Play. If they pass the ball its still considered a pass.


  • Ball is dead anytime it hits the ground, including bad snaps from under Center.
    • (except 6 & 8 Under – they can pick up a bad snap from Center)
    • Shotgun snaps that hit the ground must be fielded on 1st attempt or dead.



  • Each team gets 2 time-out per game



  • The referee lines up next to the Rusher.
  • The defense has one (1) rusher who lines up 5 yards off line of scrimmage and waits for the ref to count “3 Mississippi” before rushing, unless it’s a run play, then all can rush. The Rusher must start out on the hash/disc at the toss and cannot drop back into the Secondary. The Rusher can only move sideways or rush as long as the pass play is in effect. Secondary can line up on the line of scrimmage but can’t rush unless it’s a run play.
  • If the rusher comes in early it’s a free play.
  • The offense will choose the play or a 5 yard penalty.
  • If the QB rolls out more than 5 yards to his left or right (ref’s judgment) from the point of snap/drop-back at any time, the rusher can come in and will be released by the ref.
  • The secondary is not allowed to bump receivers or use contact to break up pass plays (1st down at spot).
  • The Referee can judge any rough contact as “Intent To Injure” and eject the player.
  • The defender cannot hold the jersey (1st down + 10 yards) in order to pull the flag and cannot tackle the ball carrier (1st down + 10 yards).
  • A Tackle or jersey hold that prevents a TD will be called a TD.
  • The defense, as in the NFL, can go off-sides on purpose and there is no decline allowed by the offense.


  • Pass only (no laterals or hand-offs after pass- all divisions).
  • 1 pt from the 3 yard line.
  • 2 pts from the 10 yard line.
  • Interceptions on extra points can be returned out of the end zone for 2 pts. If they are flagged before the opposite end zone the Offense still takes over at their own 15 yard line.


  • 2 pts and defense takes over on their own 15 yard line.



  • If any time a team is losing by 18 pts, that team gets an extra down on offense and an extra run play per set.
  • If any time, in the 2nd half, a team is leading by 36 pts, the game is over.


  • There are no ties in Youth games.
  • If the game ends and the score is tied, the following takes place:
    • Each team gets one play from the 15 yd line – the longest yard wins.
    • Pass or RUN is allowed
    • You have a coin toss and the winner opts for offense or defense.
    • The winner gets 1 point added to the score.
    • Negative yards count.
  • In the playoffs, you have a coin flip and the winner chooses offense or defense first and you start from the 15 yard line.
    • Equal number of chances per team.
    • If the game isn’t over after 1st round, the ball gets moved up to the 10 yard line and the toss loser now goes 1st for the 2nd round, the 5 yard line for the 3rd round and the toss winner goes 1st. If no one wins the 4th round is longest play from the 15 yard line, run or pass.


  • Ball must be thrown over the line of scrimmage by the QB or it’s a run play.
  • When a turf field is divided into 4 fields, both teams go the same direction, taking the ball in play from the 45 yard line. Interceptions are not returned but awarded 3 pts and possession of the ball at the 45 yard line.
  • Offensive players cannot run alongside (screen block for) the ball carrier. Pick
  • There is no left or right rule, but the Center cannot impede the path of the Rusher.
  • On the TOSS, options for the winner are ball, direction or defer. If you defer, you can wind up going the same direction for the entire game.
  • Fields must be left clean.
  • A bad shot gun snap can be picked up by the QB and played if fielded cleanly on 1st attempt, otherwise its dead.
  • The ball is snapped to the QB, the QB cannot give it back to the center. That would be an illegal forward hand-off. All hand offs must be behind or lateral to the QB
  • No defensive coaches are allowed on the field in the 14 under and 17 under divisions.
  • Inadvertent Whistle- Offense has choice of ground gained or play over.
  • The ball can be snapped to someone other than the QB

Complete rules are given out to all that register. The rules of the Long Island Flag Football League were copyrighted in ©1990 and are the property of LIFFL, Inc. Any copy or transmission of these rules without the permission of LIFFL, Inc. is prohibited.

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